Thursday, February 7, 2008

GOP 1; Disabled Veterans 0

As I have mentioned in previous posts (Show Me the Money), our delusional political leaders have gotten the cockamamie idea in their heads to send out checks to Americans this summer as a means of stimulating the economy. Ok fine, whatever. We have a major deficit hanging over our heads, but sure throw out another hundred billion or so and that should fix the problem.

Well, the Democratic-led Senate wanted to add a bit extra to that payout, by including money for the elderly, disabled veterans and the unemployed. There plan would have cost an additional $44 billion, chump change among friends.

The Republicans said no. Yep you heard me right, the GOP said that DISABLED VETERANS weren't going to be eligible to get those $600 checks in the mail.

Come on people, I think the whole plan is bat shit crazy to begin with, but if you are going to do it, you mean to tell me that old people living on social security (I would like to see the rest of us pull that stunt off) and our disabled veterans can't be included? That is just fucked up. Plan and simple.

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