Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Uniquely American

For those of you in any of the 24 states having primaries today—GET OUT AND VOTE! If not, I will be very disappointed in you. (And yes the mother-tone was intended, see how I can do that even through cyberspace. Ah, the guilt-inducing power!!!)

And if my efforts to guilt you don't work, perhaps this quote will motivate you to get out there and vote for a change. 'Ole Dubya said this on February 4, 2005 to a single mother of three in Omaha, Nebraska:

"You work three jobs? . . . Uniquely American, isn't it? I mean, that is fantastic that you're doing that."

Really George? Something tells me that she doesn't think it is fantastic or uniquely American.
350 days left.

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