Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Lighting the Fire

Some of you have expressed a less than enthusiastic regard for the political options available to us this election cycle—I believe it is jokingly being referred to as ELECTILE dysfunction. I get it, no one is 'turning you on' so to speak. I wonder though if it is less the candidates themselves that are turning you off or the whole cabala that encircles our electoral process and our government these days.

I have to admit that there are many days where the whole thing seems hopeless and ridiculous and I have the desire to move somewhere sane (that used to be Canada but then they went and elected a conservative and now I am looking at the space station). Since I only speak English, however, my options in that regard are limited, although I hear wonderful things about New Zealand and I think I could make do down there.

Anyway, back on topic. My advice? Step back from all of the stuff you read and hear (yes even my sainted musings) and think about what is most important to you. Pick the big three issues and think about who best addresses those. And then move on. Do your laundry, eat a snack, imagine your flowers blooming. But just make a decision and stick to it. No more dithering.

Or you can take this quiz:

On a side note, it has been requested by my "Brooklyn"-based reader that I turn my snark toward more celebrity-esque topics from time to time. So prepare yourself for the occasional invasion from Hollywood. After all, they dress better (sometimes) than the Beltway set!


Rev Wes Isley said...

Totally agree with your advice. I was surprised the other night to hear John say that he doesn't like any of the candidates. My response was: "Suck it up, pansy!" Here's the thing--how can any candidate ever please all of us? As many opinions as are out there on even one topic? The Democrats have 2 excellent candidates this year, so I'm just thrilled. That said, neither Hillary or Barack are as liberal as I'd like them to be. But a real crazy liberal, like me, would never win over enough conservatives in order to get elected. That's life, people, get used to it. Make it a popularity contest, pick a name out of a hat--whatever you've got to do. But make a decision and vote. Remember, at least we HAVE a choice in this country. And if you hate the choices so bad, then run for office yourself and stop bitchin'.

creative kerfuffle said...

ok, i've taken a few different quizzes and have come up with a different person each time. how about i just tell you the three things i'm concerned about and you tell me who to vote for? then i'll do the same with the hubs and see what he says? dear god, i know that sounds so pathetic, but honestly i've become so cynical about the whole thing.

broad minded said...

i am not sure that plan would solve anything for you ;)