Friday, February 15, 2008

Brass Balls

WOW! The Democrats in the House might have actually grown a set. Instead of voting on the Protect America Act extension of FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act), which gives immunity to the telecoms for spying on us, they tried to hoodwink the Republicans by bringing up citations of contempt of Congress for Josh Bolton and Harriet Miers. The whiny-ass House Republicans walked out in a snit fit. Now Congress is set for a week-or-so long holiday recess and the bill will lapse. Teehee.

Dubya has his panties all in a twist about this. Even tried to do the daddy smack down and say he would postpone his upcoming trip to Africa if it would "help" the House resolve this issue. Please! Although the people of Africa were probably like, 'Please God yes, keep your brand of crazy away from us, we have enough problems right now.' As with most of Bush's statements it was bullshit, he's going to Africa, the bill will languish until Congress is back in session and of course if we are hit by terrorists in the meantime the GOP will have a field day exclaiming that it is the Democrats fault b/c they didn't allow AT&T to listen in on average Americans talking on the phone about their butt lint and hang nails.

GOOD GOD PEOPLE! I hate to be a downer, but realistically, no matter what we do or how invasive we allow our government to become there will be another terrorist attack. That is the nature of our world today. I am not saying that we shouldn't try to stop that from happening, but again, letting Verizon sell out some teenager's cell phone calls about trips to the mall to Dubya and the boys isn't going to stop that.

In other news, I have to give a shout out to Keith Olbermann from MSNBC. Talk about having balls. Bless my poor husband's heart, because last night Olbermann did one of his special commentaries about this whole FISA/spying fiasco and dang if it didn't get me hot. (Yes, I am weird like that.)

Here is an excerpt from the conclusion of his comment (click here to read or hear the message yourself, it's very stirring and impassioned):

"We will not fear any longer. We will not fear the international terrorists, and we will thwart them. We will not fear the recognition of the manipulation of our yearning for safety, and we will call it what it is: terrorism. We will not fear identifying the vulgar hypocrites in our government, and we will name them. And we will not fear George W. Bush. Nor will we fear because George W. Bush wants us to fear."

And I end how I started: WOW!


Anonymous said...


Come on now. Do you not think that the government has bigger fish to fry than to spy on us. I could care less if the govt. knows if I bid on ebay. If I know it will keep my kids safer, I will stand in line to sign a waiver. Yes we probably will be attacked again sucscessfuly. However, my hats are off to the Intel. people that have stopped many attacks that would have already occured. If I am out to attack you and your family, is my right to privacy more important than your right to defend your family. We should ask that question to the families that lost members on 9/11. We ask the Govt. to protect us, yet it must be on our terms. There must be no cost to us. We dont want to step on anyones rights. Yet, if someone does sucscessfuly attack us, the same people that accuse the Govt. of spying on us will be the ones that stand and ask why the govt. was caught off guard and accuse them of not doing their job because we were not protected. When Obama voted against protecting the American people I did not notice him offering a better solution.

Rev Wes Isley said...

Oh I wish someone would punch Josh Bolton--such a tool. I don't have any sympathy for him or Miers or Bush. What is Bush hiding? Come on, if you have nothing to hide, just let them testify and then we'll know we were wrong to ever distrust you. Yeah, that's going to happen...

broad minded said...

The whole point though is that they can do their spying legally, they just don't want to. That is wrong and yes i do care if they know what i am bidding for on ebay or ordering from amazon. it is none of their business and I highly doubt it will make anyone safer.

honestly, i don't know that there is a better solution. and so far as asking those loved ones of victims of September 11, we had the intel telling us that something was going to happen WITHOUT tapping thousands of Americans phones illegally, and we did nothing. now that is where the problem lies.