Apparently, Obama doesn't have a section on his Web site about women's issues and Clinton does. And then there is more stuff, which now of course I have forgotten. (Dang all those brain cells tied up with remembering that the Jason Alexander that Britney Spears married in Vegas for like 72 hours is in fact NOT the Jason Alexander that played George Costanza on Seinfeld—although really, wouldn't that have been more interesting?) Suffice it to say, my 99.9% support slipped to 99.5% and had me questioning my decision and praying, yet again, that all this would be decided before NC's primary in May and then I wouldn't have to choose. Weak of me I know.
Then another big, flakey waffle got added to the pile this morning after reading a blurb from The Economist on Obama's possible presidency and what that could bring about:
"Unlike Hillary Clinton, Mr Obama will not inspire venomous, high-spirited obstruction from the Republican congressional minority. On the contrary, an Obama victory will be cast as such a triumphant watershed moment (and quite reasonably so) that we should expect an especially drawn out and sunny honeymoon."
Read for yourself, here.
So now I am back to being 99.7% positive I am for Obama. But the lack of 100% certainty is wearing me down. Or maybe I am just off kilter after having President's Day off yesterday.
Which brings me to another thought. I know everyone complains about holidays like Christmas and Easter and how we miss the point and commercialize them, etc. But do we hold sacred any holidays anymore? Did we ever? I mean, I don't know about you, but I didn't spend two seconds yesterday reading or learning anything about our presidents, much less celebrating them. Heck, I didn't even think about them as I went out to breakfast, watched a movie and or got a new cell phone.

(Goodbye, my beloved Sprint TP2100, if only we could spend another seven years together . . . Damn the digital, and not analog, world we live in that is tearing us apart. On the positive side, next time some bitch rear-ends me I can take a picture of her license plate as she is driving away.)
I am all about having a day off from work, but should we just be honest and say that is what it is rather than pretending we are honoring our past presidents by having a big furniture sale?

(Goodbye, my beloved Sprint TP2100, if only we could spend another seven years together . . . Damn the digital, and not analog, world we live in that is tearing us apart. On the positive side, next time some bitch rear-ends me I can take a picture of her license plate as she is driving away.)
I am all about having a day off from work, but should we just be honest and say that is what it is rather than pretending we are honoring our past presidents by having a big furniture sale?
You had yesterday OFF?? So did my client! I think I finally realized that I work/slave in a police state over here on Carolina Avenue! And isn't She Who Will Not Be Named supposed to be so patriotic--hell, we don't get President's Day off so we can be patriotic and go spend our money on furniture and sheets. What IS happening to this country?
And yes, Hillary does have a good track record on women's issues (but isn't that like saying Obama has a good record on race?). Anyway, in reading her biography, Hillary has done a lot, even as First Lady. Some say that doesn't qualify as "experience," but I disagree. Everyone knows she didn't just give tours and decorate the Christmas Tree. She advocated for women's rights here and around the world, and I think she knows how to accomplish more than Obama does. Nothing really against the guy, but come on, I'm tired of on-the-job-training!
yep but her highness being the god-fearing woman she is gives you good friday. i am fresh out 'o holidays until memorial day.
ok you two together are cracking me up, particularly the voldemort reference by wes. and ginny, welcome to 2008 and the age of camera phones.
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