Well, Obama has done scored him a hat trick—sweeping the Potomac Primaries. (Or as one PBS dude—I think it was McLaughlin??—said the Crabcake Primaries. WTF???) [*CORRECTION, IT WAS MARK SHIELDS ON JIM LEHRER. Sorry!] And the the thing is he STOMPED Clinton. I mean it was a schooling in the most literal way, Obama got between 60 and 74 percent of the vote depending on the contest. That is crazy!
Next Tuesday, February 19, there are three more primaries, Hawaii (Dems only), Washington and Wisconsin.
Then we have a break of a couple weeks—March 4 brings us four more primaries, including the biggies of Ohio and Texas. Basically at this point, from what I have read, everyone says Clinton has to pull those two out, not so much because she needs the actual delegates but because she will lose the faith/support of the super delegates that are currently leaning her way if she doesn't.
I like Obama and while a part of me feels I am betraying some feminist principle for rooting for him, I try to take comfort in something I heard Oprah say recently in defense of her position to support Obama rather than the female candidate, Clinton. I can't find her exact quote, but to paraphrase she said as a feminist she was a free woman and allowed to choose a candidate that she believed was the best. Listen, I am ecstatic that not only a female candidate, but also a black candidate, are being taken so seriously and have such good shots. But I just can't shake the feeling that there is something about Obama.
And oh yeah, McCain won too.
Hollywood Minute
It would appear that being a useless degenerate is encoded in the DNA of the Hilton family. Baby bro Barron got nabbed for DUI the other day and his blood alcohol level was like twice the legal limit for an adult, much less someone who is underage. Don't these people own hotels that they can stay at and get wasted?
Hat trick is right. But as much as I hate to say it, it's time for Hillary to concede. She's waged a great fight, but the momentum has passed her by. After all, if I have to drink the Obama Kool-Aid of Hopeful Change, then let's just get on with it.
As to the Hiltons, they no longer own the hotels! And it would be too undignified to pay for a room like the unwashed masses...
I was *ecstatic* last night! And the wonky part of me was fascinated by the guy on MSNBC (Chuck Todd?) running the numbers and having chalk talk: If Obama wins this and this and this, then Clinton has to have this margin here and here and here. It was great, but then I am a nerd.
I have to say, I have waited for my feminist alarm go to off and make me want to support Clinton, but it just hasn't. I think she would have severe electability issues, and she just doesn't make my heart sing the way Obama does. Other things being equal, maybe I'd pick Clinton to give the female side a boost. But the other things aren't equal.
The thing that amazes and scares me about Obama is his cult following. The average person that is pro-Obama can not tell you any of his positions or what he stands for. He has said he will raise taxes and Dems. say great. (Am I the only self centered bastard that thinks I am paying toooooooooo much now. He says he will go in to Pakistan and the same people that bash Bush say great. I will give you, the man is a great speaker. Hell, I love to hear him talk, but at the end of the day, we need a leader not someone that makes us feel good.
I admit that Obama needs to start articulating some policy and pronto. And I could be wrong, but I imagine that he is referring to Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy when he mentions raising taxes. And I don't know about you Anon., but I know that doesn't apply to me. so sure, raise away!
and right now, i think we need someone who makes us feel good as much as we need a leader. i don't know about you, but Dubya has made me feel like two-pieces of day old shit slapped between stale bread. i need some hope.
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