Monday, February 25, 2008

The Bitch is Back

As mentioned in a previous post (Rainy Days and Fridays), I might have a wee bit of a girl crush on Tina Fey.

In honor of her greatness, SNL choose her to kick off their first show back since the writer's strike. Admittedly it has been many moons since I even attempted to stay awake to watch SNL (Is Darrell Hammond really still on the show??!??!?!), but thanks to the wonders of the DVR I was able to enjoy the episode when I should have been paying my respects to the Lord. Oh well, I am already going to hell, my adoration of Tina Fey will not change that.

Her best contribution of the night was to the Weekend Update which she helped revive after wallowing in a pit of Dennis Miller-less despair. (Speaking of which, WTF happened to Miller? He cut the magic locks and suddenly turned into some Fox News flunky?)

View for yourself here. (Since I can't seem to figure out how to attach a video in the blog post. Anybody have tips  . . .?) Or if you prefer to communicate via the written word, I have the transcript below:

Tina Fey: Maybe what bothers me the most is that people say that Hillary is a bitch. Let me say something about that: Yeah, she is. So am I and so is this one. [Points to Amy Poehler]

Amy Poehler: Yeah, deal with it.

Tina Fey: You know what, bitches get stuff done. That's why Catholic schools use nuns as teachers and not priests. Those nuns are mean old clams and they sleep on cots and they're allowed to hit you. And at the end of the school year you hated those bitches but you knew the capital of Vermont. So, I'm saying it's not too late Texas and Ohio, bitch is the new black!

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