Friday, February 1, 2008

Lean On Me

I am sure you are all dying of anticipation to find out what MY political leanings were according to the Web site I referenced in the previous post, Shut Up Already. As always, I am happy to oblige my faithful readers. Drum roll please! BARACK OBAMA. So there you have it. And just so you know, I am furthest away from Huckabee, although I don't think poor 'ole Mike is getting all the love he wants these days anyway.

(Quick side note: I didn't watch the debates and so I am going to pretend they didn't happen. It is my blog and I can do what I want. Sometimes, even I need to take a break from all things political.)

Moving on, I did come across this video on You Tube this morning and it sort of falls into line with some of the stuff I have been ruminating on of late—the fall of the GOP and how Fox News seems to be going down with that ship as well. (Need a life jacket boys? Psych! Yes I am that juvenile.) See for yourself, but in it Montel Williams schools some of the hosts of the Fox Morning Show (I believe) about focusing on and exploiting the death of Heath Ledger when in the month of January 28 troops died in Iraq. Can't believe I am saying this, but dude has a point. I am as guilty as anyone when it comes to hopping on the celebrity news bandwagon. (I have read all about Britney's commitment, Gwen's new pregnancy, Angelina's supposed baby bump and when this freakin' writer's strike will end and how most likely there won't be any more episodes of Pushing Daisies—damn you writer's strike!!!) So I can't cast stones, but my point is we need to take a minute to turn all that off and think about some things that are important.

This is kind of the opposite of stepping outside our little bubble, but I was intrigued by a news item I read from AP about the focus that is being paid to our upcoming presidential election around the world. For instance, the Germans are loving on Obama, some are referring to him as the Black JFK. While many Europeans think Romney and Huckabee are too religious, and McCain is too old. I just find it interesting to see how we and this whole process is being perceived around the world. And of course, I think most of the world is really waiting, as I know I am, to see if the winner of this election can restore the U.S.'s dignity and stature on the world stage. I hope it isn't too late.

I leave you to mull this over this weekend. Vanity Fair's Proust Questionnaire in the February issue took on "The Brain" aka Karl Rove or the nick name I prefer—Turd Blossom. When asked what trait he (Rove) deplored most in others, he replied . . . wait for it . . . wait for it . . . "Not being authentic."



creative kerfuffle said...

i took another quiz and it said i'd most likely vote for obama. you can imagine how thrilled the hubs was, well, he wasn't that thrilled w/ ron paul either : )

creative kerfuffle said...

omg--check out the second postcard on Post Secret : ) did you send that in???

broad minded said...

I swear that was not me, just a kindred spirit . . . but I totally identified with the person that said they weren't so much scared of heights as they were of wanting to jump. that is how i feel looking down from a high height, even the second floor of a mall. i know, i am a freak.