Remember that song from the '80s by Rockwell? "I always feel like somebody's watching me . . ." with the non-scary Michael Jackson singing backup? Well that song is more true than ever.
Today, the so-called Democratic-led Senate has allowed the FISA bill to pass that would give immunity to the telecom companies for the warrantless spying the Bush Administration had them do since September 11. In addition, this bill will make it legal to continue this behavior moving forward. For more, read here.
Maybe you think this this doesn't matter, because you have nothing to hide. It doesn't matter if you are talking to your mother about grandma's cornbread recipe or texting a friend about your weekend plans—our government has NO RIGHT to read or listen in on your private conversations without taking the appropriate legal action to do so, showing that they have a reason to believe that grandma's cornbread is bad for America and not just because it raises your cholesterol.
Now you can do something about this. A writer from Salon, Glenn Greewald, is the co-creator/sponsor of a petition to the House to ask them to not vote for the Senate's bill, but rather to push through the Restore Act, a bill that provides privacy safeguards against the kind of invasive techniques Bush and his cronies feed on.
Go here to sign and find out more. People, the time has come—if you can't sign a bloody petition to protect your ability to have a private conversation there is no helping you.
1 comment:
i followed the link and did my duty : ) thanks for keeping me in the loop. oh, and yeah, thanks cos now i'm going to be humming that song all night! dammit.
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