First, a little reminder for my South Carolina readers (you know who you are);
Tomorrow is the Democratic primary. Get out and let yourself be heard. Take your kids and show them democracy in action. It will be good for them.
Now, I wasn't able to watch the last Republican debate before the Florida primary last night, but I had my own husband debrief me on his opinions this morning (for the parts he stayed awake through—sorry people, we are not night owls).
The best part according to him was Huckabee questioning the reported tax rebate that is currently in the works. Hey—I love money as much as the next person and God knows I could always use a bit more, but this idea is about the most hare-brained I can think of. Here is a link to his exact words, but to paraphrase he said where are we getting the money, probably from borrowing from China and then what are people going to do? Go out any buy Chinese-made products. So who exactly does that benefit, economy-wise? Not the American people.
The man may be a religious whack job, but he made a sound point there.
And for my Florida readers, your day is coming next Tuesday, February 5, although since the democrats are blowing this off due to Florida's monkeying with the date, maybe you'all should just stay home. Unless of course, you are voting for Ron Paul! Poor dude only got a few minutes of air time in comparison to the other conservative blowhards.
it's me, the one that doesn't look at the big picture and i'm thinking, show me the money. i won't spend it on chinese products. the hubs is all about getting it and squirrling it away but i think we should get it and do something american like take the kids to disney world : )
you know that is just what my husband said, that he would use it so we could go on vacation. meanwhile i am all about paying off a credit card. SCARY!
Ladies, you need to save the money until you see if the Dems win in the election. If they do win, you are going to need the money when they raise your taxes to give more to people that do not feel they should have to work. My question is "Why do people that pay no tax get a refund?" My next question would be on EIC as tax time is here,but we will save that for another day.
haha! anon you crack me up. see the dems may raise taxes, but most likely that will be to repeal all the cuts Dubya gave to the rich. And trust me, I am not in that category.
now i may need that money to pay to move to vermont when NC starts to have a climate like the equator.
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