Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The illustrious kickoff

I had all these grand intentions to post my first blog entry on the first day of the year—to be all-symbolic and that sort of thing—but frankly I was just too lazy. So already you have some insight into what to expect from me in the future.

My goal with this thing is to mostly address topical stuff, particularly politics or anything female-related, sprinkled with a dash (just a dash, ok maybe a dollop of personal opinion) and a couple of rants or whines about daily life as I see fit.

So there you have it. My manifesto as it stands now. Feel free to chime in as you see fit.

Time to pay attention to Iowa
Things should get exciting soon. The Iowa caucuses are tomorrow. It is interesting to me that there is so much up in the air about this contest on both sides. I think that is a good thing in a lot of ways, and not just because it seems to be driving the talking heads insane. Although it does make me cringe even further at the whole idea of 24 hours news because there so isn't enough to say about this nonsense for 1,440 minutes a day. But of course they do anyway.

I will be up front and admit I have a secret warm spot of longing for John Edwards. I can't help it, I saw him speak back during the previous run for election in 2004 and the man is just moving and charismatic and inspiring. I like his voice in the wilderness for the little people shtick. I like to think it is sincere. But regardless of who comes out on the democratic side in Iowa, I think it will be ok. (Dennis Kucinich, not withstanding - although apparently my beliefs line up more with what he spouts than any others, go figure.)

On the Republican side, I am frightened at how often I either agree with or can't cringe at what Huckabee says. Because I do think the man has issues: EVOLUTION!!! Monetary impropriety while governor of Arkansas and the idea of a preacher as prez gives me the heebie jeebies. Otherwise, Ron Paul says some good things, but as a believer in the power of govt to do some good, his wanting to dismantle the whole she-bang is a tad off-putting. The rest of them, scary and scarier.

I will leave you with a quote from my George W. Bush out of office countdown calendar (from 1.1.08 - 385 days to go):

"You can fool some of the people all the time, and those are the ones you want to concentrate on."—2001 Gridiron dinner


Anonymous said...

Go, Ginny! Go, Ginny! If I had a bottle of bubbly, I would christen your blog with a nice smack across your computer screen ... ok, bad idea.

Anyway, can't wait to see how the first round of votes come out this week. And geez, these Republicans are scary!


Anonymous said...

My parents (former Iowa residents) were talking about the caucuses over the holidays. They said they are really a test of a candidate's ground team, because there's so much involved in physically getting a voter (caucus-er?) to the precinct. Babysitters, rides to and from, getting people to give up a full evening, all on top of the "your vote does too count" you have in other states. I must have known all this at one point, but learning it again gives me a renewed appreciation for the caucuses, and a continued appreciation for Iowans.

broad minded said...

yeah, everything i read about the caususes declines to even explain the process b/c it is so complicated. and considering my aforementioned laziness, i have not bothered to google it to try and figure it all out.

Anonymous said...

Well, while I dont think that Huckabee will win the Republican nomination, I do agree with you that he vastly outshines any of the Democrat contenders. I must admit that I would like to see a Clinton/Obama ticket as that would make a total red map. Edwards does talk a good game but the $400.00 haircut gives away the fact that he can not relate to the man sitting at Great Clips.
By the way, just call me
Ginny's Hannity
Love ya girl

creative kerfuffle said...

welcome to blog land : ) i'm so glad you're here!

Becky said...

i feel the need to give a shout out to bill richardson. can't help it, i like him.

hooray for your first blog post (and particularly wes's christening).