Friday, January 4, 2008

A melody and some goose bumps

Yep, there it is a glimmer of a song and a definite chill. I stand corrected on my previous post.
Hear Obama's "victory" speech from last night to hear yourself (warning it is about 13 minutes long). THIS is a man on fire. A man to support. A man to inspire. A man who can be president.

A snippit from the end:

"This was the moment when we finally beat back the policies of fear and doubts and cynicism, the politics where we tear each other down instead of lifting this country up . . . Because we are not a collection of red states and blue states. We are the United States of America. And in this moment, in this election, we are ready to believe again."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting posts, but I'm not convinced yet about Obama. Haven't we heard his kind of pitch before? I mean it's nice and all to hear a rousing speech, but what happens if/when he gets to the White House and realizes not everyone agrees with him, when the buzz of the campaign wears off and all his supporters start asking when he's going to deliver on all his promises?

Still a long way to go though...