Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Comeback Kids

I apologize for the late posting—I usually try to speak my piece early in the day, but I am afraid real life (ala work and the family) interfered. I can't believe they expect me to actually DO something to earn that paycheck!

But I digress. SO the people of New Hampshire have spoken and thrown a bit of a lifeline to the Clinton and McCain campaigns. What does this all mean? Frankly, from what I can tell, it means that it is still anyone's game. John Edwards is right, there are still 48 states to go. Although not all of those state's primaries hold as much weight, but there is clearly not a front runner for either party at this point.

I do take a bit of glee over the fact that so many of the pundits out there (yeah I mean you Chris Matthews continue to be such asses when it comes to the idea of a female candidate. Because let's face it, that is what is going on here, the fact that this female candidate is a Clinton, just makes it easy for them to browbeat her without appearing sexist. It isn't like Hillary is my first choice, I have made my love of Edwards plain (see my first post An Illustrious Kickoff), but I do support the idea that she is just as capable, just as intelligent as the remaining candidates. So her husband is a he-ho. Most of the Republican candidates are on their second or third marriages. Hillary and Bill at least stuck it out through thick and thin. (Isn't that what marriage is about?)

Frankly I am feeling a bit weary of it all at this point, but I am sure my interest will bounce back soon. After all, we have less than four weeks left until Super Tuesday (Feb. 5) when the real decisions will be coming down the pike.

On that note, here's a reason to get excited: Only 377 days left until Dubya is gone, the man who said, "It's about past seven in the evening here, so we're actually in different time lines." I wish that man was in a different space/time continuum. 


Anonymous said...

"what is going on here, the fact that this female candidate is a Clinton, just makes it easy for them to browbeat her without appearing sexist"--I totally agree, and it was wonderful to see all the pollster and media proven wrong about Clinton's chances in NH.

And 377 days til W's departure? I thought it was slightly less! Guess I'm thinking inauguration day, which is January 09, but I suppose they have to give him time to move everything out. Can't he get the twins in there to start packing early?!


broad minded said...

377 is the countdown until January 20th. There's 357 days left in this year (it's a leap year). Hard to stomach, eh?