Friday, January 4, 2008

And the Fat Lady Sings, but not my Heart

Well folks, the votes are in. Let me preface this by saying I was lying in bed last night mentally writing the perfect post, but was of course too freaking lazy to get up and actually type it in. So you will just have to trust me that it was extremely insightful and erudite and what I recreate below will have to do.

I have tried not to read or hear too much about the results prior to writing this because I wanted to focus on my gut reaction and not be infiltrated by a bunch of punditry. First of all I don't really consider Huckabee's win a surprise at this point. He had massively pulled ahead of late and it seemed pretty much a lock. The problems for him will arise in New Hampshire. While his "positive" message may still hold him in steed, I think his religiousity will bite him in the butt so to speak with the liberal northeasterners of that state. I did hear something this morning that said something like 20% of N.H-en's identify themselves as evangelical (frankly I am stunned the percentage is that high). But enough about the GOP, you know I don't really care about them anyway.

On to Obama. I confess, I am a bit surprised that he took the lead in Iowa. I have said all along that between the three front runners, I would be happy to have any of them. But as I have already confessed a warm spot for Edwards, he was certainly my fave (although I secretly flagellated myself for taking the white male candidate as my chosen one—apologies to my white, male readers, of course—why oh why, can't it be Elizabeth Edwards running so I would have one less thing to feel guilty about). And then of course the feminist in me couldn't not hold a corner of support for Hillary Clinton. No matter what you feel about her or Bill, the woman is BRILLIANT and certainly just as worthy as any other candidate on the stage so far. But she does have some baggage.

That all being said, I liked Obama. I was certainly impressed by his message at the last democratic convention. You felt that the guy had something. And of course there is the Oprah support. Hard not to respect the power/voice of O. But I haven't found myself wowed by Obama during this campaign. I have seen the debates, and I know the man has the brains, but nothing has blown me away. Now, Michelle on the other hand I have been very impressed by. (Can we have the spouses run???)

Recently I read a piece on Salon that dealt with how many writers/pundits/talking heads are describing the differences between the democratic triumvirate (Clinton, Edwards, Obama) as boiling down to style basically, that substantively they were mostly the same. And more than likely that is the case. So the style thing, for Obama, is about hope, pardon me, but a very MLK, Jr. kind of thing for lack of a better example. And I get that. God knows America needs that. But if that is Obama's shtick, he needs to bring it home. It isn't enough to say it, you have to make me feel it. And right now, I am not feeling.

None of that is to say that I wouldn't support Obama 100% should the nomination end up being his. But I want him to make my heart song if that is the case. And right now, that muscle ain't carin' a tune.

382 days to go . . .
At the dedication of his gubernatorial portrait, Austin, Texas January 2002:
"I want to thank you for taking time out of your day to come and witness my hanging."
I dare to dream, W. I dare to dream . . . do they still hang for war crimes? Could we make an exception in his case?


Anonymous said...

I can't help but think that proximity plays some role in Huckabee's results last night. Arkansas isn't *that* far from Iowa; don't you suppose some Iowans had previous exposure to him and liked him before the campaign even began? I think I would be predisposed to like Jay Rockefeller (WV) or Harold Ford (TN) if either of them were running, just 'cause they're "local."

I can't decide how I feel about Huckabee (he looks harmless but I hear scary things), so for the time being I'm telling myself it's just regional pride that lifted him up.

On the Dems's side, I am THRILLED about Edwards' 2nd place. Since I will back whoever's in the D column come November, I just want my guy to stay in it for a while.

Anonymous said...

Curses! Barack put the smack down on Hillary, and I'm really surprised that she came in 3rd. Hopefully New Hampshire will swing her way.

And Ginny, I totally agree with your comment about the spouses running. I would totally vote for Elizabeth Edwards or Michelle Obama over their husbands!
