Now that is what I am talking about! Some back and forth! I LOVE it!
By all means anonymous (and yes I know who you are, but I won't "out" you—continue to speak your mind. Can't promise I will agree, but I enjoy the sparring. And try not to be so thin-skinned ;) I thought you GOPer's had a tougher hide than that (aren't we liberals supposed to be the emotional, whiny ones? Teehee!)
So everybody—keep the comments coming. Even if you disagree. Now I can't promise I will always be level-headed and not run off at the mouth, but then if you wanted that you would be reading another blog.
Oh yeah, for those of you who were hibernating from the cold this weekend, McCain took the South Carolina Republican primary, Clinton won the Nevada caucus for the Dems (Although apparently there is some debate ongoing about whether she or Obama got the most delegates. Guess I have to read my CNN link to figure out how the heck that can happen!) and Romney walked away with it for the Republicans. Hat trick.
Does this mean that Fred Thompson will take his truck and trophy wife and go home now??
Meanwhile, I froze my butt off on Sunday to rally in support for Roe vs. Wade. The real anniversary is tomorrow, January 22. Celebrate choice people!
Thanks for the comments guys. I feel loved again. I appreciate you not outing me Broad. As a love offering I will tell you that I have voted Dem. once. When King Richard ran for office here in NC, I just didnt have the stomach to poke that chad. Anyway, to my liberal friends, I have a sincere question. Who do you feel is more electable in the general, Clinton or Obama?
Ah, the Electability question. Unfortunately, I keep hearing some say that Hillary is unelectable, which is disappointing because I'm a Hillary fan. Seems they think she isn't cuddly enough. Then go buy a teddy bear, I say. Of course, these same folks then rave over Obama. Which makes sense, because we know relatively nothing about him and he hasn't been throught the wringer like Hillary has. He's a blank slate and I think lots of people are projecting all their hopes onto him. Is he more electable? Most likely, yes, but only because of this perception. It appears that Obama can be all things to all people, but there's an inherent danger in striving for that position. Eventually you will disappoint because there's no way in hell to please everyone. I don't feel I know who he is or how he will act in certain situations. On the other hand, I do know Hillary. Lots of Republicans and conservative Democrats hate Hillary, so that's a negative, and they may go for Obama. However, I know already of some whites who say they will not vote for a black man. That's ridiculous, in my opinion, but it's a sad reality. I'm curious to see how South Carolina votes because I think it might give us a clearer picture of who is more "electable." It's a conservative state but with lots of African Americans. Can't wait til Sunday morning.
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