Tuesday, January 8, 2008


So Dixville Notch has given it to Obama and McCain. There are 17 votes. Will the rest of New Hampshire say the same?

On a somewhat lighter note, last night marked the return of my beloved Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. Those of you who know me, know that my bedtime hovers around 9pm, so I thank God daily for the bounty of my DVR.

That being said, I managed to watch the opening section of A Daily Show (no that is not a typo, you will understand if you watch the episode) while spooning in the oatmeal. Jon Stewart is a funny man who has amused me for years and has gotten a somewhat bad rep as an actor (check out Playing By Heart, not only does he do well in the small part, you get a glimpse of early Angelina Jolie—but moving on). As funny as the man may be, he needs some writers. So for the love of GOD resolve this damn writers strike.

And then napalm the set of American Gladiators.


Anonymous said...

Ginny, why you hatin' on American Gladiators? I mean, we all need more spandex.

However, John and I gravitate toward the more populist "Ninja Warrior" show on the G4 network. No spandex, normal physiques and it's all in Japanese (dubbed, fortunately). Now that's entertainment...

(guess I should get a Google/Gmail account)

Anonymous said...

Also lovin' the return of John & Stephen. Loved Stewart's 'strike solidarity unibrow.' And in keeping with Stewart's edit of the show's title, did I not hear Stephen introduce his show as "The Colbert [the 2nd syllable rhyming with 'shirt'] Report?"

Oh, but Ms. Broad Minded - surely you know that you need no DVR, because the 2 shows are rebroadcast the next night beginning at 8:00pm?

broad minded said...

Yes you are correct, ColBEAR said ColBERT when referring to his show. Aren't my boys clever?

And yes, I am aware that the show are rebroadcast at 8 pm the following evening, but alas, I am not a patient girl.