Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Holy Shit

Please tell me this scares everyone as much as it does me. My eyes are still bugging.

Huckabee has explained his support of Constitutional amendments banning abortion and same-sex marriage as being an easier change to make than changing "the word of the living God." He goes on to say that it is easier to amend the Constitution to reflect God's standards than it is to change God's standards.

Alrighty then. Listen, I do have my own personal, religious beliefs. But whether or not I believe in a higher power, be it God, Allah or the ancient Druid tree in my back yard, this is not what America was founded on. We were trying to ESCAPE religious persecution. Our founding fathers wanted to SEPARATE church and state.

Do we all need a refresher course on the Constitution? Perhaps a civics class needs to become required in school again?

I have actually had some slightly warm, somewhat fuzzy thoughts about Mike Huckabee, at least so far as I am capable of for a Republican. But this is scary, scary stuff. Americans need to think long and hard about what is important to them in terms of the future of our country. Do we want to live in a place where the government tells us how to live and what to do with our bodies, our free time and our lives? Or do we want to continue to have the self-determination that men like Jefferson and Madison believed would make our nation great (and has)?


Anonymous said...

Huckabee has explained his support of Constitutional amendments banning abortion and same-sex marriage as being an easier change to make than changing "the word of the living God."

As said: cough, cough, thanks god, you're dead :) -wez

Anonymous said...

Uh no, the founding fathers did not intend to seperate church and state. Remember one nation under God. They wanted Christian values, they did not want a state imposed religion. If we truely believe in the spirit of America, we must support the right of a person to have a view that we do not agree with. GOv. Huckabee would probably find your views as strange as you find his. The fact that you can both believe as you do and neither go to jail is what makes America great.