According to scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey, two-thirds of the number of polar bears walking the earth today will be gone in 42 years. So by 2050, in my lifetime presumably, the number of polar bears will be drastically reduced.
It might seem a bit disingenuous to show a picture of a fluffy cute baby polar bear when in reality these are not pets or toys, but I am not aiming to be fair here. The Bush administration certainly hasn't been. Even though the polar bear is facing incredible dangers due to the melting of their habitat, our current government has not even added the bear to the threatened list, much less the Endangered Species list.
In fact, as with most things, Dubya and his buddies have the worst record in terms of their protection of endangered animals. In seven years, the Republican-run U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has only added 58 animals to the list and NONE of those were added voluntarily. All were listed after a court order or a petition from citizens.
Today, the House Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming is holding a hearing about handing out oil and gas leases in the polar bear's habitat. So basically Dubya and the boys are attempting to sell this animal out for the monetary interests of the oil companys (god knows they need the money . . .). If you are interested in reading more, check this article out.
I think this is a perfect example of how little the Bush administration has done for our country and our future. If the man and his cronies care so little about an animal whose world is literally melting around them, what do these people care about you and I? What have they ever done to make life better for us? They certainly aren't interested in making life better for the polar bears.
1 comment:
Come on... The Polar bear. What happens when the evil Bush leaves office. Will we blame things that go wrong 20 years from now on him. While I dont think he has done everything right, I dont think he is the blame for all that is wrong.Both China and India as well as Europe are demanding more energy. Not our fault. THe rain forest is being cut down. Not our fault. If the repubs loose the next election, you will still have the same problems, you will just be much less safe while you ponder them.
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