Monday, January 28, 2008

Rudy, Tooty, Fresh and Fruity

Looking forward to Tuesday in Florida:

Giuliani has put all his egg's into Florida's pan handle (yes that metaphor just really broke down) and it is looking more and more like those eggs are going to end up fried (yep, there we go back on track).

Frankly, I couldn't be happier. Between the dude's heavy eyeliner in a recent interview with George Stephanopoulos (check it out for yourself—click on the Watch Political Videos near the bottom of the page) and his general desire to scare the beejeesus out of us with threats of terrorists around the corner, I will be altogether too happy to see the man go back to his bat cave.

If Florida finishes off Rudy, that leaves us with Romney (used car salesman), Huckabee (religious freak) and McCain (Bush lapdog who just Sunday warned us that "There's going to be other wars . . . I'm sorry to tell you, there's going to be other wars. We will never surrender but there will be other wars." Oh goodie—promise??). My apologies to the supporters of Ron Paul, but me thinks the boy doesn't stand a chance. I guess McCain is the best of the bunch, although his war stance and his abortion statements make me rather twitchy.

Looking back to Saturday's primary in South Carolina:

Congratulations to the democrats in South Carolina. Not only did you come out and vote, you came out in record numbers. The state Democratic party estimated that more than 530,000 people voted. The previous Saturday's Republican primary only drew 445,000. Not too shabby my neighbors to the south, not too shabby.

Now I have to take a moment to lament the third place finish of my favorite John Edwards. I know that he is not leaving the race, but the odds of him being the candidate are truly slipping away. As my favorite, that really makes me sad.

However, like others whose follow-up commentary I have been perusing, I am very excited by the fact that Obama so soundly won. I know that seems contradictory considering the previous paragraph, but what I mean is that it is nice that there is no way to "parse" the victory. Obama simply won. Hands down. End of story.

And if you missed Obama's victory speech, have a listen. I know some of you have mentioned that you don't like/trust Obama for different reasons, and despite my admiration for Edwards, dang can Obama give a speech! My fave part is the end—it gives me chills—when he says, "Don't tell me we can't change; yes we can!" The audience chants "Yes we can!" behind him, it is truly something.

One more caveat though: regardless of Obama's resounding win, you can't count out Clinton or Edwards for sure yet. To win the nomination, the candidate needs over 2,000 delegates. So far Clinton is in the lead with just under 250 delegates. That is a long way off from 2,000. There is still much up in the air in this race.

And as Dubya prepares for tonight's State of the Union (the last of his presidency) I wish I could save his time and our ears by just having him say "Shitty" and end the whole thing early, but I guess that is not in the cards.

So instead I will leave you with this quote from our "feckless" leader which offers all the more reason why he needs to leave the Oval Office—

"See, one of the interesting things in the Oval Office—I love to bring people into the Oval Office—right around the corner from here—and say, this is where I office, but I want you to know the office is always bigger than the person."

In this case, Mr. President, the office is WAY bigger than the president and it is my hope that you won't be "officing" in it much longer.


Rev Wes Isley said...

I was actually hoping Edwards would win SC, too, just to keeping mixing things up.

Speaking of mixing things up royally, how about Billy Bob's comment comparing Jesse Jackson and Obama. He totally belittles Obama by saying "Well, Jesse won SC, too." As if to say, what, "Obama's black too, and he ain't gonna be president?" Shut yer trap, you goon. Even I thought that sounded racist!

Maybe I'm just in a gloomy mood today, but I think that will torpedo Hillary's chances.

Anonymous said...


I think that everyone agrees that the nation is ready for a change. Yes, it is time for Bush to leave.
However, I do have a question. If history proved that there were something to the WMD and that the US was safer because of Bush, that in effect his actions were needed for reasons that could not be disclosed at the time due to Ntl. security, would liberals admit they were wrong, or like usual, just brush over the facts because they do not promote the cause.
I do think you are wrong about McCain. I am not sure about him, but I know he is not a Bush lap dog. Rush has his panties in a very tight wad over this man. He recently said on his show that if McCain won the presidency, the republican party as we know it would be dead. Not since Goldwater has the Repub. party had such a left leaning member.
Dont count Mrs. Clinton out. She has the strongest political machine out there, Dem. or Repub.
I know that there are many that dont agree, but I think that they plan to win at any cost. The fact that they were the first to play the race card shows their true colors.
I think this is going to be a wild election.

broad minded said...

I agree that the right is not all that happy with McCain, I still take issue though with the way he rolled over after what Bush did to him in SC in 2000 and how he bowed to the religious right by speaking at Liberty Univ. The first act—and his decision to carry Bush's water on the Iraq War—are why I consider him a lapdog.

I don't count either Clinton out at all, but I do think that Bill is in danger of jeopardizing the positive influence and appeal he has generated since leaving office. He needs to be careful, I know that he wants to do all he can to help his wife win, but his mouth may backfire on him.

So far as the backing down on Bush in regards to the weapons, etc and Iraq. If that were my only complaint with Bush then I suppose I would have to rethink my position, although I can't say I would like it. However, there are SO many areas in which the man has gotten things wrong and run out country into the ground, that at this point, that information wouldn't do much to change my opinion. And of course, I certainly can't speak for all liberals, nor would I ever attempt to. That query isn't exactly fair in that regard.