Friday, June 20, 2008

Not Alex

In case you have missed it, has a new ad it is running, Not Alex. (Seriously can someone please explain to me how to inbed videos??? Ugh.) I've got to say the left may have hit a home run with this one. Of course, because I have a young son this ad particularly resonates with me, but I find it hard to believe that any parent wouldn't be moved by the sentiment of the ad. My heard does bleed however, so perhaps I am too quick to fall apart at blatant sentimentality.

So . . . anyone out there not moved by this ad?


creative kerfuffle said...

the video is no longer available. what was it?

broad minded said...

i just clicked on the link and it worked, but anyway, it is a young mom with her toddler son and she is talking about how amazing he is and then says to mccain that when he was talking about being in iraq for 100 years, was he counting on alex (her son) going over there, "because you can't have him."

Anonymous said...

I just clicked on your link to the video, and it works. And I loved the ad.

YouTube makes it pretty easy to embed. Look over the right hand side of the YouTube page featuring the video you want to embed. You'll see the word "embed" and the code below. Select all of that code and copy, then in Blogger, paste into the window where you create the body of your posts. The code may seem to disappear in some view modes, but next time you "view blog" you'll see the successfully embedded video. It's magic.