Thursday, June 12, 2008

Oh No They Didn't!

First they accuse Obama's dap with NC Governor Easley as being a terrorist signal, now FoxNews is referring to Michelle Obama as Barack Obama's baby mama.

Lest we forget, the vast majority of Fox's news folk are WHITE, WHITE, WHITE. They might want to dial back their use of "urban" slang.

Read/see for yourself here.


Anonymous said...

U do realize the first person to use that term was Michelle after he won his senate seat. She was introducing him, and used the term "my babies daddy" in his intro. Why is it fine when a liberal uses such a term, but when a known conservative says it, it is so wrong.

broad minded said...

first of all it is like the old rule, you can talk trash about your family, but non-family don't have the same freedom. plus she basically just referred to him as her children's (ie babies) father (daddy).

baby mama is fairly well known as slang for the unmarried mother of a man's child. it is VERY derogatory. so I still stand by the idea that there is very much a difference.

plus, even FOX realized they had overstepped themselves and issued an apology about it.