Tuesday, June 3, 2008

No Thank You, One Term is Plenty

According to Mark Salter, McCain's chief speechwriter, in an interview with the Atlantic.com the "presumptive" GOP nominee considered running on the promise of not going for a second term should he be elected.

Of course Mac did not follow through with this idea, but you have to wonder what his initial motivation was. My first thought, obviously, is his age. While McCain loves to trot out his truly geriatric, yet still very active mother, Johnny boy ain't no spring chicken. He might be deluded about the difference between Shiites and Sunnis, but surely he realizes the truth about his own advanced age. Right?

Who knows, maybe there is something else that was behind the one term pledge. I am not sure how much of a difference I think that would make in presidential politics, but I do know that my husband is a BIG proponent of term limits for the House and Senate. I, myself, have mixed feelings in that regard. I think what I would rather see first is a way for "normal" people to be able to afford to runfor office and really stand a chance of winning. Right now, politics is strictly a rich-man's game. Not cool.

Currently, though I would say Mac has some bigger fish to fry than the idea of term limits. His big money guy, Phil Gramm is in a HEAP of doo-doo over his contributions towards the current mortgage meltdown. McCain has been catching some heat of late about his campaign workers ties to lobbyists, including Phil-O, and this whole fiasco with Gramm is looking like it could only get worse. Definitely something to watch. You can read more about it here from Mother Jones.

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