Thursday, October 23, 2008

Wynken, Blynken & Nod

I am tired today folks—nothing like a croupy toddler to put a spring in your step (but for a personal moment, there is nothing like said croupy toddle giving you eskimo kisses at 4am to make you smile either). So I am going to blatantly steal for today's post (since I am still doing that everyday posting and have yet to miss a day—yeah me).

A while back I came across an interesting blog, Rebel Dad, for stay at home dads. I read it because my husband is a stay at home dad and I like to pretend that I am getting into his head and seeing things from his side of the fence. This may or may not be effective, you would have to ask him. Anywho, the writer behind Rebel Dad, Brian Reid, also writes a parenting column for The Washington Post. He recently did a comparison of the two candidates stances on some family-related policies. Here's the nut-nut:
  • McCain would push for legislation that allows employees to swap overtime pay for comp time.
  • Obama would allow workers to formally petition for flexible schedules.
  • Obama would work to make paid sick leave available to all.
  • McCain would not support paid sick leave, though the comp time proposal could help employees take time away from work without suffering economic difficulty.
  • McCain would not expand FMLA or push for paid leave.
  • Obama would expand FMLA and give the states $1.5 billion to begin providing paid leave.
  • Obama would quadruple the number of children eligible for Head Start.
  • McCain would work to better spend the $25 billion in early education funding now in place at the state and federal level.
Of course who knows how much either one of them will stick to these proposals, but I continue to feel that the United States policies on family leave are beyond backward and the fact that all workers are not given paid sick time is heinous and cruel. But then I am a flaming liberal, what do I know?

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