Saturday, October 11, 2008

Dangerous Territory

In the past week the McCain/Palin ticket has decided on a course of action that is at the least tasteless and at the most extremely dangerous. I am speaking of the urging/inciting/not dissuading their "followers" to shout out terrorist and worse when they mention Obama. (Caveat—things finally came to enough of a head that Friday McCain did tell one person at a townhall they had nothing to "fear" from Obama and took away the mic when another person said he was a Muslim. McCain said he wasn't—yeah! (not), but then my larger issue is WHAT THE FUCK WOULD IT MATTER IF HE WERE?????)

Let's face it folks, there are many out there who are still extremely bigoted. Even those of us who like to think of ourselves as "enlightened" perhaps harbor moments of shame about our own occasional racist lapses. But the behavior at the McCain/Palin rallies in the last week are shameful.

For those of you who may still be on the fence, these are things I hope you consider. Do you want a candidate that is ok with blatant racism? That is willing to potentially risk a fellow American's very life simply because his skin color is different. In my heart I had hoped we were beyond that; in my head I know that we still have years to go and miles to walk in each others shoes.

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