Monday, October 6, 2008

Who Are These Women?

Let me say first that Shelly Mandell might want to go ahead and say goodbye to her days as the LA NOW chapter president. Something tells me that her fellow members at the state, and certainly at the national level will be none too pleased with her recent cozying up to Sarah Palin at an event this weekend in California. "America, this is what a feminist looks like" my ass. And as for the boos she got when she mentioned she had been a lifelong democrat—for shame to the booers and for shame to Mandell, there is no way you can be for Palin and have truly been a democrat.

But my real ire is reserved, yet again for Mrs. Palin. (I do so wish the woman would just go away, blogging about her is starting to become some sort of unhealthy addiction. I can't not do it, because she keeps acting the fool, but I hate to acknowledge her either. Ugh.)

After Ms. Mandell's lovely introduction, Governor Palin decided to comment on the quote she found on her morning Starbucks cup. I have actually seen the quote before and it is (of course) a personal favorite:

"There is a place in hell reserved for women who don’t help other women.” Madeleine Albright

Except of course Palin got it wrong and said support instead of help. Thus implying that any women who are against her should be going to H-E-double hockey sticks. Oh jeez.

Palin, I wouldn't mess with Albright. Not only is she brilliant, but I think she could kick your ass handedly. I would watch my back if I were you.

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