Wednesday, October 1, 2008

October's Theme - Vote

Ok. So I signed up for this thing on and now I am supposed to blog once a day for the entire month. The theme this month is vote, which seemed apropos to me. Don't know exactly what this means, short of I might attract a few new gentle readers. Oh joy!

So what this means, is every day for the next 31 days I will post something, promise, no matter how lame or brief. Feel free to bombard me with suggestions. If you have ever though to yourself "Gosh, self, I wonder what my politically astute, remarkably clever friend Broad things about *insert topic*?" Now is your chance. I am not sure that even I can talk that much . . . 


Rev Wes Isley said...

I have faith in you, my dear. Just start carrying around a little note pad to jot down ideas!

broad minded said...

thanks. and carrying my laptop when i am away from home.

sad to say but some days may just be posts about the weather, not even i think about politics that much!!!

creative kerfuffle said...

i have every confidence in you broad : ) you can do it!