The lease is up and the tenants are going to trash the joint but good before they take off. Sound like a bunch of college seniors after graduation? Nope, it is the Bush Administration taking a hatchet to our environmental regulations before January. MSNBC has the full scoop
here, but some details are below:
Many of the rules that could be issued over the next few weeks would ease environmental regulations, according to sources familiar with administration deliberations.
Two other rules nearing completion would ease limits on pollution from power plants, a major energy industry goal for the past eight years that is strenuously opposed by Democratic lawmakers and environmental groups.
Arrrgh. This is so frustrating!
Oh and this is totally random, but if I see Liddy Dole, I'm going to snatch that hairpiece right off her head! I guess you heard Hagan has filed suit over that "godless" commercial. Go, Kay, Go!
i had heard she was suing, good for her.
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