Thursday, October 30, 2008

So It Has Come to This

For the second time in the last several months, an effigy of Barack Obama was found on a college campus. The first, back in September showed up at George Fox University in Oregon and yesterday it happened at the University of Kentucky (to be be Sarah Palin was hung in effigy at a home in West Hollywood, California).

Read more here, here and here.


Anonymous said...

Lovely. Back in my day, college students also like to express themselves politically. We opposed bad leadership, unjust domestic policies and immoral wars by speaking out strongly and staging peaceful demonstrations. Now, I guess all it takes is a mannequin, a few feet of rope and a whole lot of ignorance and hatred. Glad to know our universities are still bastions of intelligent thought and discourse.

I think it is useful to point out that George Fox University (any relation to the TV news channel?) is a "Christian" institution. Yes, score another one for the wingnuts who insist on denigrating an entire religion with their decidedly unChristian behavior. As for the guy in Hollywood, he is just a garden variety idiot.

broad minded said...

yes these actions are disappointing and disturbing no matter who they come from, but i am especially bothered that people who tout their christianity would stoop to this sort of behavior. What would Jesus do?