Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Saved by Salon

Just when I was beginning to panic about what I was going to post today, Salon comes along and saves me (thank god there are only two more days in this month—next time I decide to do this post every day for a month thing I am SO picking February and not in a leap year . . .).

First, a clip from The Daily Show where Samantha Bee tells McCain just where he can stick his air quotes for women's health:

And then this, where a hockey mom does a Sarah Palin-inspired version of Don't Cry for Me Argentina. It's a tad long and the middle is hard to decipher in parts, but the beginning and end are best and it can be summed up with this snippet of lyrics: My kid plays hockey, and I wear lipstick/ but I'm a thinker, and you're a dipstick.

1 comment:

Rev Wes Isley said...

Brilliant!! Wish I had written this (although you don't want me trying to sing Evita).

Love the accompanist with the moose antlers!