Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Today's Palin

From the Know Your Constitution corner:
Olbermann calls Palin on not knowing what the real duties of the VP are. And it ain't making policy in the Senate.

From the Hockey Mom/Joe Six Pack corner:
The RNC has apparently spend $150,000 to clothe Palin and her family at Saks, Neiman Marcus and Barneys. Not to shabby, does that mean the rest of us "real Americans" get to cast aside Target, Old Navy and other bargain-esque retailers? Hey, I'm all for that. Should I just send the bills to the RNC or McCain personally? I don't think every item of clothing in my house, mine, the spouse's and the spawn's, would equal $150,000 and trust me folks I like to shop. But it's okay, because the RNC swears the clothes will get donated to charity after the campaign is over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Apparently W's mandate after 9/11 ("shop!") was still echoing around inside that little head of hers.

Gov. Sarah Palin: shopping maverick!

I am somehow reminded of Todd Rundgren's spoof operetta title "Baby Needs a New pair of Snakeskin Boots." Of course, we don't know if any footwear was purchased for Trig, but those Alaskan nights are cold, a fact which will be underscored painfully on Nov 5.