Friday, August 1, 2008

Race Days

We all knew it was a matter of time, but I kind of thought that things might hold steady on the race issue until closer to the election. But au contraire. It would seem that the end of July was a fitting time for both camps to declare the race card played.

Now I am not sure that I buy that either McCain or Obama have really brought race into things. I will say that I think McCain has been reading a bit too much from Rove's playbook before bedtime, he has gone negative after pledging not to back in April. David Shuster commented in the last several days on MSNBC that they only chance McCain has in this election is to go negative.

Frankly I don't get why people fall for this. Do you really want to live your life ruled by your fears? Let's face it, the economy blows right now, something I believe is the creation of Bush's tax cuts to the wealthy. After all that trickle down shit didn't work in the 80s with Reagan, why in hell did Dubya think it would work for him? Oh wait, he didn't, he just didn't care as long as his buddies, and more importantly his donors, were getting richer.

Life is too short, in my opinion, to be walking around like chicken little. I would rather be optimistic and hope that with some effort we can make things better and fall on my face, then sit back like the McCain camp and just assume that everything is shit and always will be, so vote Republican. Not a ringing endorsement for these ears.

But back to race. The other thing that has been bugging me all week is this talk after Obama's European tour that he is arrogant and "uppity." I have lived in the south my entire life and I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that "uppity" is just white code for a black person thinking they are as good as the white man. And God forbid any black person think they are worthy of the office of president. Like how when you say something negative about someone but soften it by first saying "Bless her heart." For instance, "My brother, bless is heart, isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer." All that means is my brother is a dip shit, albeit a blessed one.

Look we have had someone in office for over seven years now who treats it like a joke, isn't it time we had someone who took the job seriously? Wasn't the whole point of Obama's trip to show that he was president material? And then the press and others want to blast him for acting too presidential? I give up.


Rev Wes Isley said...

Totally agree. Don't we want a president that is instantly appealing? Don't we want someone who puts people at ease--that's a quality needed in international diplomacy. Do we really want as president the same guy who launched into "Bomb, bomb, bomb--bomb, bomb Iran?" McCain should've known better but he said it anyway. Is HE ready to lead?

Becky said...

just started catching up on your blogs. oh, how i´ve missed these diatribes. :) (1) i hope your brother isn´t an avid reader. (2) i love boden. got some pajama pants from there (from my british mother in law) and they are divine. must keep reading, i´m way behind... xoxo

broad minded said...

1) my brother doesn't know that I have a blog, nor does anyone else in my immediate blood family. Hi to the husband's sister-in-law if you are reading! i may be a glass is half full kinda gal, but i am not crazy. my brother wouldn't get it, his wife would just increase the number of republican emails she forwards me and my mom would post comments every five seconds just to prove her inherent coolness and depth of knowledge. but they're family and i love them. in the south you don't get the option of hating your family.

2) i was "pretend" shopping the new fall stuff from boden, on the off chance i win the lottery. i am up to almost $2000. So I need to get busy on that lottery winning b/c I am going to need a bigger closet too.

And what do you mean by referring to my eloquent musings on all things political as diatribes?????