Monday, August 18, 2008

Something Happened on the Way to the Forum

Well, well, well. McCain and Obama sat down Saturday evening with Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church out in the land of fruits and nuts (as my father always affectionately refers to California) to talk about why they want to be president.


Listen, I have no problem with these two men being asked the questions that "Pastor Rick" asked. I have a problem with the fact that "Pastor Rick" was the one doing the asking. Was Carrot Top booked? All this shows me is that the religious right has truly hijacked our country.

Admittedly, Warren asked real questions, so I have to applaud him for that. But I do not think it is even remotely appropriate for two political candidates to be selling themselves in such a forum at all. I don't want my candidates coming to talk to me from my church's pulpit anymore than I want my minister advising said leaders on foreign policy.

Some commentators have mentioned that Obama seemed off his game. This was not apparent to me, but then I am biased, so I would be interested to see if other people thought this as well. I will say that my impression was that Obama actually answered the questions with some thought and McCain seemed to be throwing out campaign sound bites from note cards. Many of his answers were just too black and white for my liking, especially when things started heading into the whole abortion/gay marriage arena. And when McCain slammed all four of the more liberal Supreme Court justices without missing a beat, my head just about exploded. Obama actually had the decency to say complimentary things about Scalia and Roberts, even though he obviously disagrees with many of their stances. Now that is class people.

One thing that I keep wishing some candidate, any candidate would bring up is the reality behind late term abortions. Obama did get some points for saying that pro choice people are not pro abortion, but everyone makes it sound like someone getting a late term abortion was just too lazy to do it earlier on. Now I don't have stats on this, but from off the reading I have done about this, off the top of my head I know that late term abortions are rare things to begin with. And while I can't say this with 100% certainty, but I would wager that 99.9% of these late term abortion are because giving birth will either kill the mother, the baby is already dead and they don't want the mother to have to continue to carry it and give birth, or the baby has such a defect that it will die shortly after birth.

Either way, I don't want to be the one to tell that woman and her family that she can't terminate that pregnancy. I can't even imagine the pain of walking around nine months pregnant knowing the baby is dead or will be after birth and having strangers and acquaintances ask when I was due, etc. That is inhuman. But then I guess McCain won't ever have that experience and those like him who are against these procedures don't consider that important.

Sorry to get off track, but that really chaps my ass.

Happy Monday.

1 comment:

Rev Wes Isley said...

Maybe next week the candidates will appear and the Moonie church, or maybe Tom Cruise will throw a swell Scientology soiree. I agree, this was so inappropriate. Listen up, Christians, we have separation of church and state. So if you want to know where candidates stand on issues important to you, we have these things called newspapers. And if that's too difficult, we have a nifty invention called the television with 24-hour news! Oh and wait til you discover the Internets. McCain saw it for the first time last week!

To me this whole thing was rigged in McCain's favor. Obama is a thinking person, and thinking person knows there are compromises and gray areas. But Christians, especially the Rick Warren variety, want to believe everything can be simply explained, either in the Bible or through one of their pastor's pamphlets of platitudes. McCain was totally playing to the crowd with his answers while Obama was seen, unfortunately, as less decisive. I didn't watch (afraid the mind-control might get me) but that's the skinny on the news channels it seems.

Honestly, McCain talked so tough on Georgia and Russia but what would he do really? Not invite Russia to the G-8? Ooooooooooh, harsh. We only care about Georgia because they have oil and a pipeline, not because they're a democracy! And Georgia started this fight! South Ossetia and Abkazhia (sp?) have autonomy but Georgia decided to change its mind. So if we're all about freedom and independence, then shouldn't these 2 areas be allowed to decide their own fate?? Maybe Russia was heavy-handed, and of course, they're still a threat, but I don't know that this episode heralds Armageddon as McCain has implied.

The man is trigger-happy. We get it, dude, PTSD from your POW days. Get some counseling.