Friday, August 8, 2008

Infidelity in the News

I am equal parts outraged and saddened at the news that John Edwards did in fact have an affair several years ago.

Not only did I truly admire the man, but his wife has proven to be an inspiration and to see her spirit and devotion to him and their shared causes disrespected in such an appalling manner truly shakes my belief in the goodness of people.

I can't imagine what Edwards was thinking that justified such actions and I am heart sick that on top of her illness and the tragedy of her son, Wade's death, Elizabeth Edwards has had to also deal with infidelity. Her decision to stay with her husband is hers alone and I make no judgements on that. My disdain is reserved exclusively for her husband. I am not sure I will be able to so quickly forgive or forget.


Rev Wes Isley said...

I know you were a fan, and this is really sad news. I admired Edwards, too, and even though I know we're all human, this just seems especially upsetting because of his image as such a likable, trustworthy guy.

But I still have questions: Is he the baby daddy and how could he not know about money being sent to Hunter and Andrew Young? Sketchy. If nothing else, Edwards need to deck the guy who was making these payments.

Did you see his interview the other night? Have to admit, I thought Edwards was a bit too ballsy in his insistence that his political career isn't over. In fact, I think that statement itself may have ended any hope of a return. He basically said, "My wife has forgiven me, Jesus has forgiven me, so the rest of you, fuck off." Well, his wife may be a saint, and Jesus is, well, Jesus--but the rest of us? Hmmm, not so quick to trust again.

Maybe Edwards will catch a break and Zsa Zsa's husband (Count Whathisname) will actually be the baby's father!

creative kerfuffle said...

maybe it's me, i just don't really give a flip about the sex lives of politicians. i don't agree w/ their behavior, regardless of who they are, but i really think it's all personal and the media should leave it the hell alone.

broad minded said...

a big part of me agrees, and while i don;t think it matters in terms of their ability to do a good job as an elected official, it does diminish my ability to "believe" in them as much. but then i am just naive sometimes i guess.