Monday, August 25, 2008

Matin' Time

I have a confession to make: I may not be as technologically savvy as you, gentle reader, may have believed.

See I tried to sign up Friday for the email alert from the Obama camp about the VP pick. Frankly I just couldn't bloody take it anymore. I hate not knowing things. Although I love a surprise. Go figure.

Well, Friday evening rolled around and no email. I checked several times while we were out at a friend's and before I went to bed. The spouse had heard that it might come in the wee hours of the a.m. He suggested I put the phone on my bedside table—since he suggested it and that eliminated him from mocking me for it, I did just that. I woke up several times in the night and checked the phone. Nothing. So apparently I didn't do something right when I signed up or I did it too late.

I did have an email that arrived about 5 a.m. announcing that Biden was the pick.

So . . . I like Biden. He has a big mouth which I frankly kind of like even if it has gotten him into trouble on occasion. To be crass, he has a good story, raising his sons alone for a while, remarrying an obviously smart woman. And he is ranked the 99th of the 100 senators in terms of wealth. Something that warms the empty coffers of my heart.

If Saturday's speech is any indication, Biden can be the so-called "attack dog" that Obama needs. I LOVE that he went after McCain using McCain's own words. Killer.

Yes, he is an old, white guy who has been in Washington forever. But Obama probably needed to pick someone that could alleviate the whole "he's not experienced" argument. Biden is anything but inexperienced.

So that is my two cents for the moment. We'll see how the convention goes this week.


creative kerfuffle said...

ah, i can just picture you waiting eagerly for that text friday night : ) he he he

broad minded said...

yes i am a sad little political nerd.