Thursday, August 28, 2008

Equal Pay

I forgot to mention in my earlier post about Biden's speech that I was especially impressed by his reference to Obama insuring that women received equal pay. This is an issue near and dear to my heart. In case you weren't aware, women average 77 cents to every dollar that a man earns.

Go ahead and do the math, gentle readers, I will wait.

So how much more would your salary be if only you had a penis? I know the increase I would see. And why? What makes a man more worthy? Is it because he is the "family breadwinner." Not so fast, I work and my husband is a stay at home dad. Is it because he is better educated? Not so fast, I have a masters degree.

There isn't a real reason out there why men today, in the 21st century, are still earning more than women. Women are as qualified, as capable, and as smart as any man. And I just hope that Obama and Biden stick to their guns on this issue.

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