Friday, August 29, 2008

Desperation . . .

 . . . the world's worst cologne.

Rumors are swirling about McCain's VP pick. Romney is fund raising in California. Minnesota Governor Pawlenty has said it ain't him and supposedly Leiberman is sunning his callow, traitorous backside on some private beach.

But the first term governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin, was seen at an airport near to where McCain is set to announce his running mate today in Ohio.

Way to pander to the ladies Johnny boy. What McCain doesn't seem to get is it isn't about having a woman, any woman, on the ticket for most feminists (or at least in this Femi-nazi's humble opinion) it is about having the right woman.

Now that is a foreign policy debate I want to see, Palin vs. Biden. Something tells me it will be a knock out in the first round.


Anonymous said...

Broad -

I couldn't wait to come here to see what you (a self-described 'femiNazi') would have to say about McCain's --yes, DESPERATE choice. And you said it so perfectly. He doesn't get that is ain't about having a woman on the ticket -- it's about having the right women. Same can be said about the age part. Also, sad that he wants such an extreme social conservative in the white house. Yeah, bring on the VEEP nominee debates!

broad minded said...

thanks chad, i'm honored that you thought of me first.

i suppose this chick's strong points are her willingness to bare a handicapped child. and while i certainly do not fault anyone who makes that tough call, i don't appreciate the sanctimony that goes with someone saying they never considered terminating that pregnancy.

and her second strong point, her oldest just signed up for the military.

i guess mccain (and by extension the GOP) really is that simple -- its all about guns and abortion and gays.

obama is right, if mccain is elected, we are truly on our own.

Rev Wes Isley said...

Well, you're getting your wish--a Biden/Palin debate! But I'm afraid Biden needs to be careful. The Republicans are already so sensitive to the "experience" issue, that they could clobber Biden for simply knowing his stuff!

And do you detect a tone of condescension around Palin, an air of "be nice because she's a gal?" I've already heard the "she's a mother of 5" argument too many times. Sure, that's commendable but isn't it a double standard? I mean, you would never hear this about a man, right? Doesn't Edwards have like 4/5 kids, too? You never heard the Father argument when his experience was questioned.

Sure, you'd think Biden could easily win any debate with Palin, but I wouldn't take anything for granted.