Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Sisterhood of the Traveling Pantsuit

Humor. Check.
Unity. Check.
Patriotism. Check.
Emotional. Check.
Straight talk. Check.

I would say that Hillary Clinton nailed it. "No way. No how. No McCain."

I love how she asked the audience if they were in the campaign for her or for all the Americans who feel invisible. Nice. The shout out to Bill and his ability to balance the budget was nice too—especially the cut away to him smiling. The audience calling out "No" when she started hammering McCain was pretty cool too. And as she got really geared up, she got my blood pumping, the crowd's too and you could see that "you go girl" twinkle in Bill's eye.

My favorite part was towards the end though, and it was what pulled on my heartstrings:
"My mother was born before women could vote. But in this election my daughter got to vote for her mother for President.

This is the story of America. Of women and men who defy the odds and never give up.

How do we give this country back to them?"

And damn skippy if that crazy, scrappy little elfin Dennis Kucinich didn't give 'em hell. When he said "Are you ready for November?" I really thought he was going to say are you ready to rumble! It was a fitting tribute to the late Stephanie Tubbs Jones, and I have to give it to the little guy, he was on fire.

Wonder what Bill will say tonight? And Biden. Something tells me the gloves will be off.


creative kerfuffle said...

i did hear the sisterhood of the travelling pantsuit comment on the radio today and chuckled.

broad minded said...

yeah that was nicely self deprecating i thought.