Thursday, July 31, 2008

Pick Me! Pick Me!

I know it is late summer and people are hot and bored and just ready for something to break the monotony of the unrelenting heat. (Or am I alone in my quest for something that doesn't resemble living on the ass crack of the sun? And the new fall catalog from Boden ain't helping. Dang the English and their clever interplay of tweed and polka dots.)

So who Obama, and in lesser respect McCain, is going to pick as their VP is garnering a lot of attention and verbiage from the chattering classes. My old standby, Salon, has had some interesting things to say about it. Editor Joan Walsh isn't blown away by the short list that many people are proposing for Obama—Tim Kaine, governor of Virginia; Evan Bayh, senator from Indiana; Kathleen Sebelius, governor of Kansas; and Joe Biden, senator from Delaware. Meanwhile many Clinton supporters are outraged Obama is considering another woman for the position.

While I had really hoped that Jim Webb, in particular, would keep his name in the running, I am not overly worried yet about what Obama is going to do in regards to this decision. So far his campaign has been pretty mistake free and I doubt that any less effort or attention to detail is going into picking a VP. And let's face it people, this is a VP we are talking about, aside from Darth Vader's Dick Cheney's current reign of terror, VP's haven't been know for being of that much import. [My husband joked that the VP should be someone the right REALLY doesn't want as president to insure that nothing tragic befalls Obama, not that I even like to utter that idea.]

McCain's decision has mostly been discussed as a way to bring his campaign some good news, now that the septegenarian has taken to attacking Obama with ads showcasing Britney Spears. Oh lordy. And then there are the tales of faithful water boy Mitt Romney doing all he can to secure the nod. Bless his pea-picking heart.

Any body you would like to see as the candidate's picks (realistic ones please!). I know my husband is jonesing bad for an Obama/Hagel ticket. He loves Chuck Hagel and thinks the party crossover thing would be a slam dunk.


Anonymous said...

Just a word about McCain's recent commercial and its message that his opponent's assets are so formidable they can only be dealt with by equating admirableness with lack of substance…

Well, he's got a point with this celebrity thing - Obama did shore up a lot of Hollywood popularity by hosting Saturday Night Live -- twice. Oh, wait a minute; no - that was Mr. McCain…wasn't it?

As Hollywood publicist Howard Bragman said in the LA TImes "All this feels very Roveian to me.",0,4172463.story

broad minded said...

i like that Hilton's parents donated the max to McCain's campaign. Hope they have a sense of humor or 'ole Mac might have lost Rick and Kathy's vote.

Rev Wes Isley said...

I think Sebelius would be great--unless she was a stripper or something in her past life. Some of these Hillary supporters just need to chill, though, and realize their hero would sink that ship faster than the Titanic.