Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Magic of Myths

It is hard to know what exactly to post about on the day that the Senate gave the Bush administration and the telecom industry free reign to shit about the 4th amendment. But who am I to complain? I wasn't using my civil liberties anyway—Ma Bell feel free to listen in! Interject a comment even, maybe you will have some luck convincing the step-spawn that she might need to get a job in order to pay her bills. (Unless of course she has discovered the mythical money tree, in which case, can I have a graft to grow my own . . .)

I guess it is obvious that I am not pleased with this decision, but neither the Democrats or the Republicans are interested in what you or I think about this issue. The Dems are trying to stave off criticism going into the elections this fall and the GOP is in full CYA mode because they know what Dubya and his cronies have done is wrong, wrong, wrong.

I need to go lie somewhere peaceful now and think of happy thoughts, moonbeams and unicorns and the 4th amendment, and that damn money tree, that would make everything better . . . 

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