Friday, July 25, 2008

Love Child

A gentle reader (thanks Wes—although you know you are breaking my heart) pointed out the recent Enquirer story about John Edwards' affair and love child yesterday. I had heard this earlier this year I guess, just prior to Edwards dropping out of the election or right after, I can't recall exactly, but had not put a lot of stock in it b/c as you may remember I had a bit of a crush on John and just couldn't bear to think of him going down the Clinton adultery track.

Well the story is back

Salon even alludes to it today and the possible reasons why the main stream media isn't pouncing on it. Say it ain't so John . . .


creative kerfuffle said...

a love child? really? and it's not your's!?????????

broad minded said...

well the husband always said i could have another kid, it just wouldn't be his . . .

Rev Wes Isley said...

If there is a love child, it will have GREAT hair.