Friday, July 25, 2008

Best Week EVER

Maybe McCain's goading of Obama to visit Iraq wasn't such a good idea. Now of course I don't begin to believe that Obama's trip was motivated solely by McCain's taunts. I would imagine a trip of this magnitude has been in the works for some time.

The highlights for McCain this week?
  • Leaking when Obama was going to show up in Iraq, kinda a security no-no.
  • Slamming Obama for his speech in Berlin—"I would rather speak at a rally or a political gathering anyplace outside of the country after I am president of the United States," McCain said during an interview with NBC that aired Thursday night. "But that's a judgment that Sen. Obama and the American people will make."—Well, McCain has also given speeches outside the country while running for president.
  • And that speech Obama gave in Berlin? It attracted 200,000 people. TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND. Something tells me that McCain would not garner that much attention overseas, and that has to sting.
  • McCain did get to ride around in a golf cart with former President Bush. That had to be a thrill.
  • McCain's Op-Ed piece got rejected by the NY Times.
  • Finally, McCain's plans to give a presidential speech aboard an oil rig was nixed due to a "storm." It might have had a bit more to do with the oil spill that happened near the rig and would have been visible.
Maybe things will look up for Mac next week.

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