Monday, July 28, 2008

God Fearing

I guess it isn't enough if you believe in God and attend a worship service for some people, now you can't be too liberal or you might end up on the wrong end of a shotgun.

Ok, that is a bit extreme, but still, this guy who went postal in Knoxville at a Unitarian Church yesterday supposedly targeted the church because their views were "too liberal" for his liking.

Gosh, people, can't we all just get along???? (She says with only minimum sarcasm.)

This just goes to show you how great the divide can be in our country when it comes to our viewpoints, although this is admittedly an extreme way of handling that divide.

Is it really so hard to agree to disagree? To live and let live? To do unto others?

I have several good friends in Kville and this occurred quite close to where a couple of them live. They know a church member there. It is just sad, sad that some people are so deranged or sick they think the only way to solve a difference of opinions is through violence.

Gun control anyone?


Rev Wes Isley said...

It hits close to home since this nutjob apparently was upset the church welcomed gays and lesbians. FYI, a while ago, someone shot at the Unitarian church here in GSO for that same reason, during a service of the Metropolitan Community Church that used to meet there (no one was injured). When I became a member, that's all John could talk about. He was afraid to go the services!

broad minded said...

I didn't know that! That is a bit scary indeed, i just don't get people at all.