Monday, July 21, 2008

The Truth is Out There

McCain has a new ad out, calling attention to Obama's poor attendance record for Afghanistan-related Senate hearings. In the past two years, Obama has only attended one of these meetings. Ok, so maybe that ain't so great. But wait for it . . . .

The kicker? McCain has attended NONE. Yep, zero, zilch, nada, niet, keine. All together now class—hypocrite!

Here's more about it from ABC News. 

And for some more fun with John McCain from last week's The Colbert Report. The last two are my faves. I wish I had some 3-D glasses. And I have to ask, does pizzazz make you gassy?

1 comment:

Rev Wes Isley said...

Is the new McCain ad the one with the "country first" line? Yeah, how 'bout that, McCain? How can you be country first when you're shoveling billions to Iraq and Afghanistan?

Seems NC may be a battleground state after all since Obama is saturating the airwaves while McCain is absent. Maybe Mac thinks NC is all sewed up? Merciful Minerva, would I love for NC to go Democratic in November!