Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Losing My Religion

I am a busy girl this week folks, so when I catch my breath there will be more, but in the meantime here are some snippet's from Matt Taibbi's article in the August 7, 2008 issue of Rolling Stone that made me laugh out loud. The article deals with McCain's efforts to woo the religious right. Dude has a way with the words . . .

"The whole braying-to-the-moon, born-again Promise Keeper act perfected by the Bushes and Huckabees of the world is as alien to his sensibility as an Iron John man-poetry retreat. Sitting here in the North Phoenix Baptist pews, he has a look on his face like he'd just as well suck a cock as do an alter call. It's one of his most likable qualities."

Later, Taibbi says this:

"McCain is so bad at this game that when it came time for him to pick an evangelical date for the prom, he chose the one preacher crazy enough to make even trailer-dwelling Southerners nervous—John Hagee, a beach-ball-shaped apocalypse merchant whose views on Catholicism would raise eyebrows at a Klan meeting."


1 comment:

Rev Wes Isley said...

Almost makes me feel a little fuzzy and warm-hearted toward McCain.
