Thursday, May 29, 2008

Four More Reasons

Here they are folks, four more reasons, courtesy of Bill Press, not to vote for McCain this November:

#95: John McCain is too old to run the country. He'll be 72 this year. Back in 2000, he admitted to PBS's Jim Lehrer he's too old to be president.

#96: John McCain does not support the GI Bill. He's against giving our veterans full scholarships to college upon returning from service.

#97: John McCain has bad judgement related to the people he cozies up to. He was endorsed by, and was good friends with John Hagee—it took him three months to reject the endorsement! What other type of people might he get close to when he's president?

#98: John McCain doesn't know Shiite from Shinola. Even Joe Lieberman corrected him when he mixed up Shiites and Sunnis.


Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me. Have you ever heard of Rev. Wright? Do you not remember Obama saying he has campaigned in all 58 states. Have you read Obama's book. Hell at this point in time, a third term for Clinton or Reagan sounds good. When you use that list and compare Obama and McCain it makes ol John look pretty good, which aint easy. I dont want to not vote, but I am not happy with any of our choices. I STILL MAY VOTE FOR MYSELF.

Anonymous said...

John Hagee, ugh. I came across him on CBN or something like that this weekend. Give him a few inches in height and he would be Jerry Falwell's twin. I was biased against him to begin with (calling the Catholic Church a whore? seriously? we're not past this yet?) and his broadcast did nothing to change that.

The thing about Rev. Wright (and Rev. Pflager, for that matter) is, the core of what he was saying mad some truth for me, even if it was wrapped in inflammatory rhetoric. I don't get that from Hagee.

broad minded said...

Vote for yourself or don't vote, frankly either of those choices is better in my opinion than voting for mccain, but i am admittedly biased.