Thursday, May 15, 2008

I Heart Olbermann

If dude doesn't stroke out from the force of his anger towards Dubya, he has a heart of steel. No offense to the spouse, who will always be number one in my heart, but dang if Keith Olbermann doesn't get me hot and bothered when he does one of his special comments.

And last night's was a doozy. Mainly focusing on Bush's statement that he gave up golf in support of the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, Olbermann expresses in his oh-so-eloquent way, that not only is this sort of "sacrifice" a joke, but it isn't even one that Bush is honest about. (Bush claims to have given up golf in August of 2003, but there are images of him still playing as late as October 2003.) Olbermann addresses Bush's arrogance about the war by telling him that the war in Iraq isn't about him or his grief as more and more Americans come home in boxes.

He finishes his rant by saying: "Shut the hell up!" And sounding like he was much more inclined to say shut the fuck up.

If you are in the mood to get stirred up, you can watch the clip here.

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