Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Beam Me Up Scotty

As you would expect the GOP has their panties ALL in a bunch about Scott McClellan's new book—What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and What's Wrong with Washington.

McClellan apparently takes the Bush II White House to task on the Iraq War and its post-Katrina efforts, but not without a lovely stab at the liberal media. In reference to the war: "In this case, the 'liberal media' didn't live up to its reputation. If it had, the country would have been better served."

Now I will be the first to admit that the media has let themselves be kowtowed by Bush and his cronies one too many times, however when you are constantly getting hammered with the tag of the "liberal media," as well as being flagged as unpatriotic for even appearing to question anything Bush utters, it is understandable that the media watchdogs may roll over and play dead. Don't make it right, just makes it explainable.

Apparently the White House is "puzzled" by McClellan's book. Well it certainly isn't the first thing to confuse them and something tells me with only seven months to go (praise Jesus!) it won't be the last.

And something also tells me that 'ole Dubya no longer feels this way:

One of these days, he [McClellan] and I are going to be rocking in chairs in Texas talking about the good old days of his time as the press secretary. And I can assure you, I will feel the same way then that I feel now, [when McClellan resigned] that I can say to Scott, job well done.


Rev Wes Isley said...

I'm actually puzzled myself. How is it some people can reside in the inner sanctums of American politics, feeding us official line after official line--only to release a book once they're out that manages to paint them as a paragon of virtue? Come on, Scotty, if you knew all this then, why didn't you tell us? Why didn't you grow a pair and speak out to the American people---your real boss---instead of acting like the lap dog that you were and are? I don't really care if he's betraying Bush or some national secrets, I just feel like McClellan and several others have betrayed all of us. And we should NOT reward them by buying their books or attending their speaking tours.

broad minded said...

absolutely, mcclellan took the coward's way out, i don't disagree. but i am intrigued by the fact that someone who for all extents and purposed played the lapdog role SO well, chose to break ranks. what exactly does that say about the bush administration? while his revelations are really too little, too late, i suppose in terms of his "eternal" soul, better late than never in terms of coming clean and embracing the truth.