Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Dazed and Conflicted

As everyone expected Clinton annihilated Obama in West Virginia, 67 percent to 26 percent. Not pretty. But in a state where only five percent of the population is black and, I would hazard a guess that the majority are middle class or lower in terms of economics, is that all that surprising?

What is more worrisome, I think, is the blatant racism that many of the voters polled from the state seem to offer. I get that voting for a black man is scary for a lot of people, many of my immediate family included, but it is not the sign of the apocalypse that many seem to think it is. Obama doesn't have to win West Virginia to win the election, but wouldn't it be nice if he could win over those who are just holding the color of his skin against him?

Speaking of apocalypses, what the freak is going on in our world? First Myanmar (aka Burma) and the catastrophe there, which the government doesn't seem to want any outside aid for, and then the earthquake in China. The number of people killed by these two events is staggering, not to mention the volume of those still living that are affected by the tragedies. I have to admit that when things like this happen on that kind of scale I am stymied for a suitable reaction or response.

Meanwhile, small disasters strike at home everyday. And while we know they don't compare on any scale to the mass causalities of Myanmar or China, when a friend loses a parent it hits with the force of a thousand earthquakes. And that is all I can say about that now.


Anonymous said...

I've been pondering these tragic events myself. They do seem to be piling up as of late, and there are more predictions of storms to come, all over the world. I feel helpless, and very blessed, for the moment, in my sheltered corner of the world.

Sweet T

creative kerfuffle said...

don't forget the polar bears have now been listed as endangered. the world really is going to hell in a hand basket and when things hit close to home it makes you think how incredibly fragile it all is.