Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Well Spoken

Here is the video of Obama's speech last night and the powerful ending of it is below. It is long - about 22 minutes, but the part where he talks about his own family history and the opportunities that America gave him and his family and his wife's family is pretty powerful.

"The question, then, is not what kind of campaign they'll run, it's what kind of campaign we will run. It's what we will do to make this year different. I didn't get into this race thinking that I could avoid this kind of politics, but I am running for president because this is the time to end it.

"We will end it this time not because I'm perfect—I think by now this campaign has reminded all of us of that . . . We will end it by telling the truth—forcefully, repeatedly, confidently—and by trusting that the American people will embrace the need for change . . .

"So don't ever forget that this election is not about me, or any candidate. Don't ever forget that this campaign is about you—about your hopes, about your dreams, about your struggles, about securing your portion of the American dream.

"Don't ever forget that we have a choice in this country—that we can choose not to be divided, that we can choose not to be afraid, that we can still choose this moment to finally come together and solve the problems we've talked about all those other years in all those other elections.

"This time can be different than all the rest. This time we can face down those who say our road is too long, that our climb is too steep, that we can no longer achieve the change that we seek. This is our time to answer the call that so many generations of Americans have answered before—by insisting that by hard work, and by sacrifice, the American dream will endure.


Anonymous said...

I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. I must give the man credit. He is such a good speaker that people fail to realize he says nothing. When thrown off his game the true Obama comes thru and people excuse him. If this man were a Repub. the Dems would have buried him by now. Be careful, if this man is elected, he will make Jimmy Carter look like he was a strong Prez.

broad minded said...

none of them say anything, so in that case i would like my nothing to at least sound intelligent and be inspiring.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely. I agree they all say nothing. Just remember that he has said he will raise your taxes.

Rev Wes Isley said...

Cynical Cyndy here: the speech sounds wonderful, but it raises the expectation that once Obama is in office, everything will forever change--politicians will share hugs, lions will lie down with lambs and all our dreams will come true. The truth is that Obama will have to work within the current climate and convince everyone that his way is better--even those who disagree with how he wants to run the country. Some things will change, I'm sure, but sometimes change can be bad. We need to define what kind of change we want, not just change for the sake of change. Hell, McCain would be a "change" but I don't think we want that. And sometimes, despite your hard work and sacrifice, dreams don't come true. There, I've just clubbed a baby seal.

Don't feed me these lines without something to back it up.