Yesterday also marked the fifth anniversary of Dubya's ridiculous Mission Accomplished speech. Yes, if the mission was to have thousands of Americans die, oil prices to skyrocket, the US to loss its shirt economically-speaking in Iraq and the country to be so tired of this unnecessary war that they now mostly try to forget it is happening, then yes, the mission has been accomplished.
Speaking of the money we are pouring into Iraq, CNN reports that the US has spent more than $47 billion on reconstruction in Iraq since 2003 (when Bush played dress up in the flight suit). Senators Levin and Warner are questioning when Iraq is going to start paying for some of the reconstruction themselves, considering that by estimates from the US State Dept and the Iraqi Oil Ministry, the country is expected to bring in AT LEAST $100 billion in oil revenues from 2007 through the end of 2008.
Finally, in case you missed this, a 30-year old soldier, husband and father of two died in Afghanistan Tuesday. Sgt. 1st Class David L. McDowell was on his SEVENTH tour of duty. This is wrong on so many levels. First, while I know that the guy signed up for this, does anyone really sign up for that? And even if he had made it home alive and healthy, would he have ever been the same person again?
Maybe I am just in a bad mood today, but this war and the current administration make me sick (and that is me saying that after my cup of starbucks to cheer me up). Now everybody join me in a rousing chorus of Lee Greenwoods seminal hit "Proud to be an American."
Has young activist been to Iraq to gather this info first hand, or just listened as most to the liberal media and because of a lack of experience decided all they heard on CNN to be true. There are people all over,not just in the south that believe the war was a good idea. Welcome to America, where everyone is entitled to their oppenion, and the military fights and dies so that people have a right to that oppenion.
first of all i want to thank young_activist for weighing in. and if you are 15 then i am a goat in more than just astrological terms. dang, for real?
anyway, so thanks, but i gotta side with anon here on the idea that people in all parts of american share in the misguided idea that the iraq war was a good idea. it's just like racism, it isn't just confined to the south. i have relatives in PA and i have heard more racist things come out of their mouths than i have ever heard in NC. so location matters little in the way people think, i believe. people are people.
that being said, i have to call anon to task for the liberal media jab. i think it is delusional to believe that the media has a liberal bias these days. when you have people like chris mathews on MSNBC giving clinton shit b/c she doesn't have a penis and abc anchors, such as george stephanopolous using questions from sean hannity in the debate i would say that rather the media has bent over and said thank you sir may i have another to the right wing.
tsk, tsk CK, she has balls, but no magic wand ;)
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